2010 MASCA Nationals
at 7months old
1 Best of Breed &
1 Best of Breed Puppy
3 class first places
3 Winners Bitch
3 Best of Winners
First Place Movement
Thanks to Jeanie McAdams for handling Sliver at this show.
NAMASCUSA Speciality in Oklahoma 6/4/10
2 Best of Breed
2 class first places
2 Winners Bitch
2 First Place Movement
IABCA Show Oklahoma
1 Reserve Best in Show Puppy
1 BOB puppy
1 Best of Opp
Group 1
NAKC Rarieties Show in Colorado
3 Best of Opp
2 Best of Winners
3 Winners bitch
4 Best Jr Puppy in Show
Earned her NAKC Junior championship.
After this ONE weekend she is in the top ten in NAKC standings.
3 Best of Opp Sex Puppy
at the NAMASCUSA/MASCA Nationals(10/09) at the age of 2 months
Sliver is # 5 in the top 10 dogs for
She is also the #2 female (behind her 1/2 sister)!
Completed her NAMASCUSA & MASCA
Completed her NAMASCUSA & MASCA
GRAND Championship
MASCA Speciality in Kalamazoo, MI 8/21/10
1 Best of Opposite
1 First Place Movement
1 First Place Headtype
MASCA Speciality in Torrington, WY 8/28/10
1 Best of Breed
2 Best of Opposite
1 First Place Movement
3 First Place Headtype
ARBA Longmont show
Sept 25-26,2010
1 Best of Breed
2 Best of Opposite
1 Reserve Best in Show
Premier in 4 shows
1st place brace
Premier female
Most winning Adult female in confirmation.
Sliver is # 1 in the top 10 dogs for MASCA and the #2 in the top 10 dogs in NAMASCUSA.
2011 IABCA Hutchinson, MN
Group 1
Sliver completed her Adult IABCA Championship !
2011 IABCA Purina Farms, MO
1 Best Of Breed
2 Best of Opposite
4 class firsts
WOWMASC Longemont, CO
3 Show's:
2 Best Of Breed
1 Best of Opposite
IABCA Loveland, CO
4 Best of Opposite
4 class firsts
ARBA, Rocky Mtn Classic Longmont, CO
2 Best in Show
2 Best of Breeds
3 Winners Bitch
3 class firsts
Completed her ARBA Championship !
Completed Ehren Champion Silver !
Completed Ehren Championship and
Ehren Champion Bronze!
ICKC, Blackhawk Showdown
Salina, UT
2 Best in Show
2 Group 1
2 Best of Breeds
6 Best of Opposites
2 Best of Winners
2 Winners Bitch
2 class first
Completed her ICKC International Championship !
IABCA Loveland, CO
4 Shows
1 Best in Show
3 Best of Breeds
1 Group 1
1 Best of Opposites
MASCA NATIONALS & ICKC Speciality; 7 Shows
1 Best in Show
1 Group 1
1 Best of Breed
5 Best of Opposites
Sliver was the most winning female at the Nationals!
Finished her ICKC GRAND Championship !
Completed Ehren Champion Gold !
Sliver is # 1 in the top 10 dogs for MASCA and the #2 in the top 10 dogs in NAMASCUSA.
This win qualifies Sliver for the Eukenuba Nationals
Sliver earns her Certificate of Merit (CM). The one and only title we can earn in AKC in the Misc. group
Sliver places 4th at the Eukenuba Nationals
4 Paws Miniature American Shepherds